$7M SaaS SEO Case Study
Full case study and strategy implementation guide
Alright, so you're probably looking to outrank your competitors in Google.
Let's take a look at how a company called Podia dominated SEO.
I'll walk you step by step on how to implement their strategy.
1. Target high intent keywords
Focus on keywords that show people are ready to buy, you might know these as "commercial intent" keywords.
Think about "comparison" and "alternatives" keywords.
Those are the keywords people actually search for when making a decision and they are much more likely to convert into customers.
- [Your product] vs [Competitor]
- [Competitor] alternative
- Best [Competitor] alternative
Podia implemented this strategy by targeting "Podia vs Kajabi" and "Kajabi alternative".

2. Create amazing comparison pages
You really have to put effort into making your pages better then your competition.
Just putting up a wall of text and hoping that it'll rank is not going to work.
Here's things you should do:
- Break up everything to sections for more readability
- Add social proof
- Use tables for clear comparisons
- Include a quick explainer video
- Make it easy to take the next step (CTA: Migrate to Podia in one click)
Remember to actually give real reasons why you're better.
Potential customers know that you're biased but they won't care as long as you provide factual information.
3. Crush competitors by creating better help pages
Think about all of the questions people ask about your competitors product.
Usually in this format: "How do I do [Action] with [Competitor]?"
Then create support pages and make sure to provide more detailed explanations.
Podia does this by answering help questions for Kajabi.
And they're not the only one doing this.
You probably know Wise right? The banking company.
They've done this in the past by creating better help pages than PayPal.

You can also create new pages every year to beat them.
Let's say that PayPal is ranking for "PayPal limits", you can create a page called "PayPal limits 2025" and outrank them on year-specific search queries.
4. Protect yourself from competitors
There's a good chance your competitors will try to do the same thing.
So make sure the create pages that compare your product to theirs.
Even go as far as creating "[Your product] alternatives" pages.
This is a bit counter-intuitive but you need to do this and rank higher than your competitors.
Key takeaways
- Target keywords that turn people into customers
- Write the contenet for humans first, for search engines second
- Don't be afraid to target and mention competitors
- Make sure someone doesn't give you a taste of your own medicine